Saturday, May 21, 2011

Menerbes II

...Counting down the days: Just 25 days left to Tuscany, 45 days to Paris....a few months to Aiguillon...Come and paint with me in Italy and France ;-)

Watercolor, 15 x 11 inches.

Aquarela, 38 x 29 cm.


Valdja Maria said...

Gosto muito de suas pinturas em aquarelas!!! Abraços

Irene Spinelli said...

Beautiful work as usual. You've mastered the medium!

Arianna said...

I'm from Lucca, Tuscany ;) a beautiful historic town! I love this work, good sunday, Arianna

Albert Gallego said...

Quanto é linda a Provença! Eu sempre adorei essas fachadas que você pinta. Um abraço. Fale para a Arianna se ela quiser ir lhe visitar em Posara, que fica pertinho. Um abraço.

joshemari said...

Magnífica esta acuarela de Menerbes II. Felicidades, Fábio!
Que tengas mucho éxito en tu vuelta por Europa. Un abrazo.

acuarelasantonioleiva said...

Felicidades por la obra es un placer contemplarlas

Trevor Lingard said...

Amazing work Fabio
I envy your pupils.
Best Regards

Arti said...

Good Luck, Fabio.

Cathy said...

I love this scene! The atmosphere is so peaceful, you just want to be there, be part of it and never leave it!

I would have loved to participate to your workshop in Tuscany (a watercolour workshop in Tuscany!it sounds so perfect that it almost doesn't sound real) but I will only be back in France in August, and the few weeks I spend there usually fly away like mad! Enjoy it, I'm sur eit'll be a huge success!

Marta Benicá said...

Olá, passei para conhecer seu blog e suas telas me encantaram, vou seguir, pois gosto de coisas boas. Um abraço, Marta. Venha me visitar também, será muito benvindo.

Fábio Cembranelli said...

Thanks everyone for the wondeful comments!

Hi, Arianna, it's going to be a pleasure to meet you, come on and visit me in Posara.

Fábio Cembranelli said...

Dear Cathy, thanks for your kind words, hope to meet you someday. Your work is beautiful, thanks again for your support ;-)

Caro Joshemari, gracias, vc é um mestre!

Hi Valdja, Irene, Alberto, Antonio, Trevor, Arti, Marta, thank you so much for your comments. I know your work (most of them)....your opinion mean a lot to me ;-)

Luciane Moraes said...

Olá Fábio!

Belíssima pintura! Amei* Parabéns, por esses belos trabalhos.
