Sunday, January 30, 2011

Two Windows (Palermo Soho), Buenos Aires 3

My dear readers: Here you can read my interview for Konstantin Sterkhov’s blog.
Konstantin, a talented Russian painter and art instructor, has created an interesting blog about watercolor.
(Watercolor, 12.5 x 9.4 inches, not available for purchase)

Meus caros leitores: Aqui vocês podem ler minha entrevista para o blog do Konstantin Sterkov.
Além de ser um excelente pintor, ele criou um blog muito interessante sobre aquarela (para acessar seu site pessoal, cliquem aqui).
(Aquarela, 32 x 24 cm, indisponível para venda)


Mariela said...

Your windows series is ansolutely fabulous!!!

Sandrine Bourden said...

Très jolie peinture!Bravo!

Emy said...

Wonderful!What else can I say. I am speechless. Thanks for sharing your nice interview too.

Christiane Kingsley said...

A most interesting interview, Fabio! And another beautiful painting to make us all dream of sunshine!

Martin D. said...

Fabio, how do you get the lighting just right? windows are gorgeous!



Sadami said...

Dear Fabio,
Another lovely work, particualrly, light is impressive. Enjoy painting and an interview.
Cheers, Sadami

KARLITOS said...

Fabio me ha gustado mucho la entrevista , ayuda a conocerte mejor , este trabajo me gusta mucho , esas lineas de cables insinuadas , un saludo .

Ann Buckner said...

I enjoyed reading the interview and most especially seeing more of your work. Thanks for sharing the link because I enjoyed Mr. Konstantin Sterkhov blog too. Hope you get that trip to Russia.

olivia said...

Fabio, wonderful, I can't stop telling you ( sorry ;) ). The sun I need now during winter in Brittany is in your watercolors...
I wonder : wich paper ?

Albert Gallego said...

Fábio, as suas fachadas são bonitas demais. Interessante também a interview, da para lhe conhecer melhor. Um abraço.
(P.S. Ontem lí por casualidade o comentario que você pus num post meu de ha alguns dias. Bom, obrigado pela visita.)

Anonymous said...
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Ricardo said...

Hola Fábio,felicidades por esta obra es maravillosa, tu forma de pintar realzando los colores ,luces y sombras,impresionantes, un saludo desde Canarias.

Aleks said...

Hi Fabio! Great interview,i enjoyed it very much! Congratulations! :O)
And warm hugs and greetings!

Barbra Joan said...

Fabio, it's been a while since my last visit. I see you branched out to other subjects and I'm enjoying them. Your windows and doorways are a joy !

joëlle said...

Bonjour Fabio !

Toujours en admiration devant votre beau travail ...
Lors de vos prochaines aquarelles de fleurs ,pourriez- vous nous offrir une branche de mimosa ? Ici , chez nous , c'est la saison , c'est tellement beau à regarder et son parfum si enivrant !!