I’m an architecture graduate at São Paulo State University and started painting at university. I took drawing and photography courses at a few art institutions in São Paulo and continued my studies in Europe and the US during the 80s and 90s. I’ve participated in several art exhibitions in Brazil and abroad and teach watercolor, oil on canvas and other techniques in my studio, art galleries, as well as in workshops throughout Brazil and abroad.
Welcome to my blog!
All art work and text is copyrighted by Fábio Cembranelli. You may not use the photos, downloaded copies of his paintings or written texts without his expressed written permission.
Todas as pinturas, desenhos e textos são copyright de Fábio Cembranelli. Não é permitido a utilização de suas fotos, textos ou cópias feitas a partir de download de suas pinturas ou desenhos, salvo se expressamente autorizado pelo autor.
beautiful fabio
This is so beautiful! I really love the feeling it gives me. So soft, romantic, inspiring and full of hope.
I've never seen a farm entrance like this!
Great job.
Dear Fabio,
Ahhh.....your work always makes me so happy. Show us more!
Totally incredible painting Fabio. Wonderful, beautiful colours.
Wondeful! This looks like the entrance to paradise!
Una entrada a la Fazenda espléndidamente adornada y una senda dentro de ella que nos lleva a un mundo de ilusiones...Gracias Fabio, es preciosa.
Un abrazo.
Hacía tiempo que no te visitaba, fue un placer contemplar tus últimos trabjos, maravillosos.
Hi Fabio, the painting is awesome as is all of your work!
I like your cool pallette, and your sensitivity to the "atmosphere" is right on target. Great work!
Beautiful as usual.
I'm loving your trip paintings! (Actually, I love ALL your paintings, but these are also spectacular!)
Great work as usual!
Thanks everyone for your kind comments!
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