Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Work in Progress...7 / Trabalho em Andamento...7

Step 7 / Passo 7


Encre said...

I love the movement and dynamic of your paintings. Brush stroke contribute a lot, but also the strong tonal contrasts.

Thank you for showing the work in progress, it is really instructive!!

Can I ask you which pigments you used?

Aleks said...

Ai,Fabio what is hapening with you man,it looks like you are living in higher parts of universe!Are you beeing brave investigating all kind of new ways of speaking elvish,angels language in light movement?This one is quite brilliant,fresh,looks like(to me)you are on your next level of aquarelas-evolution scale!
Wouw,good luck,Sandra

Arti said...

Hi Fabio..your flowers never fail to refresh my spirits...its great to see how your work progresses..love the subtle colors and the use of white.

Elizabeth Merbtvick said...

Really, really lovely Fabio. What a wonderful demo, thank you!

Fábio Cembranelli said...

Hi Encre...thanks for the comments!
Sure...I 'lllist the paints:
Sepia, Rosso di Marte Trasparent, Sangue di Drago, Lacca D'Oro (MaimeriBlu); Burnt Sienna, Cobalt Blue, Winsor Blue, Alizarin Crimson, Sap Green, Green Gold, Cad. Yellow Hue, Cad Orange Hue (Winsor & Newton); Opera, Cad Red Deep (Holbein).

Fábio Cembranelli said...

Hi Aleksandra, thanks...lovely words!

Hi Elizabeth, thanks for the comments!

Hi Arti, thanks for the comments too, they mean a lot to me!

Anonymous said...

ow...so classy demobwn!