Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thanks, Vera / Obrigado, Vera

Vera Paim surprised me with a box of chocolate candies for my birthday called ‘Brigadeiro’.It’s a simple Brazilian chocolate candy and it’s is made by mixing condensed milk, butter and chocolate powder together. Here you can see the box...I've already eaten 2 candies and let me stop…they are delicious but they have many calories…./ Vera Paim fez uma surpresa e me enviou, pelo aniversário, uma caixa de Brigadeiros. Aqui está a caixa...já comi 2 deles e vou parar...são deliciosos mas as calorias são muitas....


Janelle Goodwin said...

Happy Birthday, Fabio! The chocolates look delicious!

Kimie Legend said...

Hi Fabio, Happy Birthday! I love chocolates too. Keep on with the good work. Kim

Gerard Tagucier said...

Hello Fabio, Happy Birthday! Hope you drink a good bottle of wine.

Bene Knitell said...

Amigo taletoso,
Um feliz aniversário!
Muitas felicidades, saúde e sucesso.
Espero que vc guarde um brigadeiro para mim! rs
De sua amiga,

Fábio Cembranelli said...

Dear Janelle, thanks a lot!

Dear Kimie, thanks!
Gerard, thanks!

In fact , it's just tomorrow, April 9....But I've already eaten 2brigadeiros...

Fábio Cembranelli said...

Oi Bene..muito obrigado. Mas é amanhã apenas. Visite o blog, rs.

Mariângela Takai said...

Estou enganada, mas seu aniversário não é amanhâ?
Um glorioso aniversário, repleto de realizações.
A nossa cidade está com saudades de seus cursos. Aguardamos seu retorno em breve.
Um forte abraço.
Mariângela Takai

reninah said...

Happy Birthday, Fabio! Congrats, you're an awesome artist!

Guillaume said...

Joyeux anniversaire CEMBRANELLI!!!Super, great!

Aleks said...

May all your dreams come trough,stay in good health,be loved and love with whole of your hart,goog luck and loads of inspiration,and happy birthday Fabio.My mama's birthday was 8.of april,so its like you are close.Injoy your chokolatas!
Greatings from me.

Isabelle said...

Happy Birthday! Have a very nice day, your art is wonderful!

Renata Alves said...

Parabéns, Fábio. Muita felicidade e inspiração nessa sua carreira brilhante.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Fabio! H. all your dreams come true.!!!!

Roopika said...

Happy Birthday, Fabio - hope you gobbled up all those chocolates like only kids would. If you aren't a kid on your birthday, when would you be?

And hope there's a special painting lined up to mark the special day - we're waiting!

Fábio Cembranelli said...

Thanks everyone for the comments and wishes...
Roopika, I'm just an "old kid" that loves chocolate...:-)...thanks for your visit!