Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Poppies II / Papoulas II

Oil on Canvas, 20 x 27.5 inches, vendido. / Óleo Sobre Tela, 50 x 70 cm, sold.


DomeniqueMayer said...

I really enjoyed IT. You like flowers and you know how to paint them.

Isabelle said...

Such beautiful compositions and skillful work. Love your classic oil, it's fine!

Arlete S. Madeira said...

Lindo quadro, parabéns. Sentia falta dos seus óleos.

Unknown said...

Absolutely stunning painting..A unique and skilled sense of light.Love your work!

Dean Grey said...

Love this one, Fabio!

Bursting with color!


Unknown said...

Fabio, I absolutely adore your work! Magic and stunning colors!

Fábio Cembranelli said...

Thanks Domenique, Isabelle, Jeffy, Dean, Sibylla!
Obrigado, Arlete!