Thursday, January 22, 2009

Clothes Hanging Out in the Sun. / Roupas Secando ao Sol.

Cool subject, I like this kind of stuff, spontaneous.....I'm wondering about painting a small watercolor with clothes hanging in line, but I miss a white cloth hanging on this line. Maybe I'll change something. (Photo by FC, Buenos Aires) /
Tema bacana, eu gosto desse tipo de coisa, espontânea....Estou pensando em pintar uma pequena aquarela com as roupas no varal, mas eu sinto falta de uma roupa branca nesse varal. Talvez eu mude algo.(Foto de FC, Buenos Aires).


Anonymous said...

Hey Fabio, I'll wait for your painting. Post it here as fast as you can!!

Anonymous said...

A foto é linda mas vai ficar melhor quando você pintar.Beijo.

Fábio Cembranelli said...

Hi Gilbert, thanks for visiting. I'llpost the picture, I promisse.

Oi Marion, obrigado pela visita e pelo elogio! bjo.