Plein Air Study, Watercolor.
Plein Air Estudo, Aquarela.

"Do not spend your time thinking about everything or you will miss what the painting is about - capture the moody of the day, have fun and think about it later" (Van Waldron, about Plein Air Painting).
About my video demo: thanks for your comments. I'll post a new video next days, so I can share with you my painting process.
Minhas aventuras com pintura ao ar livre em Campos do Jordão (Plein Air Painting), no último sábado. Desenhei um pouco, pintei algumas pequenas aquarelas...passei um tempo bastante agradável.
"Não gaste o seu tempo pensando muito ou você perderá tudo o que está ao seu redor: capture a atmosfera do ambiente, divirta-se e pense no restante depois" (Van Waldron, sobre Plein Air Painting).
Sobre minha demo em vídeo: obrigado pelos comentários.Postarei um novo vídeo nos próximos dias. Dessa forma posso compartilhar com vocês meu método de pintura.
I wish i can join u someday!!
Hi Fabio, nice shots,a plein air painting reveals a good deal more about the artist than a studio work! Cheers
Fantástico trabalho. Pena morarmos em Santa Catarina e não podermos pintar com você, grande mestre!
Fabio, you know how to make vibrate the nature through your paintings. And this light is magnificent! Really, sincerely, I still say it, I love your watercolors.
Fabio, you certainly captured and conveyed the beautiful light of that day in all its serenity and calm. Beautiful! Your paintings always have a soothing effect on me: I could look and look at them, and never get tired of it. It is art for the soul!
Hi Aur, ok, you can paint with me, side by side, you're welcome!
Hi Zhang, thank you v much, nice words!
Rafael, venha quando desejar. Grato pelo comentário!
Hi Olivia, thank you very much, Light was awesome there...!
Hi Christiane, thank you very much again. It's my pleasure to share my "day by day" with people like you!
Dear Fabio,
Wow, this time, bamboos in light and breeze. So lovely, soft and sensitive. Always your work makes me happy. Look forward to your next!
Cheers, Sadami
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