Saturday, December 27, 2008

In front of my Atelier (my Petit Garden): My "Jabuticaba" Tree / Em frente ao meu Atelier (meu Petit Jardim): Meu Pé de Jabuticaba

My “jabuticaba” tree, a native Brazilian fruit. Its blossoms are white (look at my photos) and grow directly from its trunk. After a few weeks, the fruits born on the main trunks and branches of the plant. They look like “black cherries. / Meu pé de jabuticaba, uma árvore frutífera nativa do Brasil. As flores brotam diretamente no tronco (vejam as minhas fotos). Depois de algumas semanas, as frutas nascem nos troncos e galhos principais. Elas se parecem "cerejas negras".

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