Watercolor, 11.4 x 18.1 inches, sold. Thanks Christiane Kingsley (Canadá) and Fernando Pena (Uruguay), fellow art bloggers, for featuring my work in their cool blogs. I'd like to invite my readers to visit artlee.com and pinturadeflores.blogspot.com, so you can check their posts . Hope you enjoy it ;-)
Aquarela, 29 x 46 cm, vendido. Gostaria de agradecer aos artistas Christiane Kingsley (Canada) e Fernando Pena (Uruguai) por apresentarem resenhas sobre o meu trabalho em seus blogs. Convido então os meus leitores para visitarem artlee.com e pinturadeflores.blogspot.com , a fim de checarem os posts. Espero que gostem ;-)
I’m an architecture graduate at São Paulo State University and started painting at university. I took drawing and photography courses at a few art institutions in São Paulo and continued my studies in Europe and the US during the 80s and 90s. I’ve participated in several art exhibitions in Brazil and abroad and teach watercolor, oil on canvas and other techniques in my studio, art galleries, as well as in workshops throughout Brazil and abroad.
Welcome to my blog!
All art work and text is copyrighted by Fábio Cembranelli. You may not use the photos, downloaded copies of his paintings or written texts without his expressed written permission.
Todas as pinturas, desenhos e textos são copyright de Fábio Cembranelli. Não é permitido a utilização de suas fotos, textos ou cópias feitas a partir de download de suas pinturas ou desenhos, salvo se expressamente autorizado pelo autor.