I love the symmetry of the Araucárias trees...really interesting shapes. They are native to southern Brazil -sometimes found in high altitude (low temperature) areas of São Paulo state, where I live, but more typically in the south of Brazil. I have lots of Araucárias photos... but I woke up with a cold this morning ....I'm bored.I'll drink a ginger tea and go to bed. I'll post beautiful Araucárias photos in the next weeks, I promisse. And thanks again everybody for your motivating and encouraging words about my work. Have a nice weekend!(photos by FC).
Adoro a simetria das Araucárias, as formas são realmente muito interessantes. Elas são encontradas na região sudeste do Brasil, por ex, São Paulo, em áreas de alta altitude e baixas temperaturas...embora sejam mais comuns no sul do país. Tenho muitas fotos de Araucárias...mas acordei resfriado essa manhã...estou meio "sonolento", ou.."bored" mesmo..rs. Vou tomar um chá de gengibre e dormir. Vou postar fotos mais bonitas de Araucárias nas próximas semanas, eu prometo. E..agradeço novamente a todos pelas palavras motivadoras e positivas sobre meu trabalho! Bom final de semana!(fotos de FC).
I’m an architecture graduate at São Paulo State University and started painting at university. I took drawing and photography courses at a few art institutions in São Paulo and continued my studies in Europe and the US during the 80s and 90s. I’ve participated in several art exhibitions in Brazil and abroad and teach watercolor, oil on canvas and other techniques in my studio, art galleries, as well as in workshops throughout Brazil and abroad.
Welcome to my blog!
All art work and text is copyrighted by Fábio Cembranelli. You may not use the photos, downloaded copies of his paintings or written texts without his expressed written permission.
Todas as pinturas, desenhos e textos são copyright de Fábio Cembranelli. Não é permitido a utilização de suas fotos, textos ou cópias feitas a partir de download de suas pinturas ou desenhos, salvo se expressamente autorizado pelo autor.